Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Review

author: Julie Hearn
pages: 351
Stars: 3
Summary: Ivy is used to being overlooked. The youngest in a family of thieves, scoundrels, and roustabouts, the girl with the flame-colored hair and odd-colored eyes is declared useless by her father from the day she is born. But that's only if you look at her but don't see. For Ivy has a quality that makes people notice. It's more than beauty- and it draws people toward her.
Which makes her the perfect subject for an aspiring painter named Oscar Aretino Frosdick. Oscar is determined to make his mark on the art world, with Ivy as his model and muse. But behind Ivy's angelic looks lurk dark secrets and a troubled past -- a past that has given her an unfortunate taste for laudanum. And when treachery and jealousy surface in the Eden that is the artist's garden, Ivy must learn to be more than a pretty face if she is to survive.
This wasn't one of my favorites but I liked it. I really love accents so listening to the Jackson family was fun. Oscar didn't turn out how I expected at all but I think it worked, he was funny in an absurd kind of way. His mother was one of those "love to hate" characters, until we find out just how devious she can be.
I like how drugs were such a big part of a story based in the 1800s. I haven't seen that before.

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